I would like to use this first post as an opportunity to introduce myself and my family. I was born and raised in Spirit Lake and graduated in 1996. I received my undergraduate degree from THE Iowa State University and remain a loyal Cyclone fan. I began my teaching career in Tama, Iowa in 2001 and was married the following summer to my high school sweetheart, Annie. Soon after I began working on my masters in education in educational leadership at the University of Northern Iowa. Our first daughter, Grace was born in 2004 while I was teaching and working on my graduate degree. In the summer of 2006 I graduated and got my first administrative position as principal in Lisbon, Iowa. Soon after we got settled in Lisbon our second daughter, Lydia was born. For the past four years I have been 9-12 and then 7-12 principal at Lisbon. My wife Annie has gained her masters degree in social work and has spent the last two years as School Community Liaison for the Lisbon District. In March of 2009 we welcomed our third daughter, Ella into our family.
I am proud of the time my family and I spent in the Lisbon district. We have been a part of increasing class offerings, changing both the daily schedule and yearly calendar, increasing opportunities for at-risk students, and most recently I led the charge for a 1:1 learning initiative in which each student in grades 6-12 will receive a school-issued laptop computer to use 24-7 throughout the school year. I knew that it would take a special place and a special opportunity to draw us from a great situation in Lisbon. That opportunity presented itself here in Okoboji. My family and I are very excited to become a part of the Okoboji school and community. Annie and I are excited that our girls will be able to attend one of the finest districts in the state and we are also excited that they will have the chance to grow up in the same area we were lucky enough to. Professionally I am eager for the opportunity to be a part of making such a storied and successful district even better. Already in my brief time here I can tell you we have all of the pieces to create success for all students. Committed and energetic faculty, forward thinking administrators, a solid board, involved parents and community, and outstanding students.
I have gone from Spirit Lake, to Tama, to Lisbon and now to Okoboji. I have been an Indian, a Trojan and a Lion but I am very excited to now call myself a Pioneer. I look forward to working and learning with all of you in the coming weeks, months, and years. My family looks forward to becoming a part of this vibrant community. We can't wait to get started!