I am no language arts teacher. I never was. That being said, I have taken my share of composition courses and as any good teacher of writing will tell you one of the most important things is to know your audience. The content, tone, and style of your writing has to be appropriate for your audience. I have been blogging for almost a year now. I started this particular blog a couple of months ago mainly as a way to stay connected with stakeholders of the Okoboji School District. I had hoped it would become a place where parents, students, teachers, and others could find information relevant to our district and also discuss these issues in an online forum. As I mark two full months on the "From the Hallways" blog I have decided I need to take stock of what I am doing here. What is my purpose? Who is my audience? Have these changed since the inception of this blog? I have been surprised at the large number of visitors this blog has seen but for the most part, I know almost nothing about my audience. That is where I am in desperate need of some audience participation. I know some of you are parents in the Okoboji District. Some of you are educators in our district as well. I also know that some of you are educators who have never even been to Okoboji, much less inside the halls of our school buildings. I am glad all of you are here. I am humbled that you have decided to take time out of your busy days to visit and examine what I have to say. I would like to get a better idea of who my audience is. I believe it will help guide the course of the subjects and style that this blog takes going forward.
Please take just a moment to complete my Google survey. You can get to the survey by clicking this link:
FROM THE HALLWAYS SURVEY It will not ask for your name, just some information to help me better understand who is reading and participating in this blog. I promise it will only take a minute but please do it right now. If you get onto something else with the idea of coming back to fill it out later, chances are you won't. I am so thankful for your time and once again I am honored that you have taken the time to listen, think about, and participate in this discussion.
Make the week great!

Taking a Step Back, Finding my Audience...
I like to hear you are in the hallways. It is important to my son that a principal is visible in the hallways making connections with the kids. Not only videoing them, but actually connecting with them face to face and talking with them about their day! It is important to be out and about during hallway time and lunchroom time. The kids really get a sense you are paying attention to what is going on around the school. They like knowing you have an interest in them. It would be nice if any more videoing occurs that a wide variety of students are interviewed. but more important than taping them is to show your presence. Kids of all ages need this!